Women’s Fellowship

The women of St. Luke’s Church have played a major role in strengthening the fellowship among the families in Kumaran Nagar, Sreenivasa Nagar, Geetha Nagar and Ramalinga Nagar since 1994 onwards. These efforts have been transformed the fellowship families to become a vibrant Worship centre in 1996. The appointment of Rev. Mrs. Shanthi Tilak in 1998 – 2000 empowered the women to bring in more and more number of families to the Church. The Women’s fellowship has facilitated the Worship Centre to become a regular Church from 1st June 2001 onwards during the time of Rev. C. David. The role of Pastors wives are remarkable, Mrs. C. David, Mrs. Jansi Daniel Vincent, Rev. Mrs. Nalini Rajaiah and Mrs. Manonmani Franklin always used to meet the women and invite to take part in the fellowship.

The Women’s Fellowship meets every 2nd and 4th Sunday after the Church service. The members organize pre-marital counseling, pre-natal counseling and visits Home for the Blind, Slums and home for the aged to provide succor to the disadvantaged. The Fellowship partakes in Harvest Festival, IMS sales and in all social activities of the Church, takes an active part in divine worship during Women’s Sunday celebrations,

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