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Department of Botany

Since 1980

Terminalia catappa L.



   Botanical NameTerminalia catappa L.
   SynonymsBadamia commersoni .Gaertn, Terminalia procera Roxb.
   Common NameEnglish: Indian Almond tree / Tamil : Inguti
   DistributionGlobal : Australia, Myanmar, India
Indian : Throughout India
   DescriptionLarge deciduous tree up to 25 m height, bark dark brown, branchlets with persistent leaf-scars. Leaves densely clustered at the ends of branchlets, alternate, obovate, thin-coriaceous, 12-15-nerved, glabrous above, tomentose below, base subcordate-cuneate, margin entire, apex obtuse-rotund, retuse, sessile. Inflorescence axillary spikes up to 10 cm, bracteoles triangular. Flowers small, cluster in linear along the peduncle, complete, actinomorphic, bisexual. Calyx-tube - 2 mm, tomentose; lobes 5, triangular - 1 mm, puberulous. Stamens 10, filaments 2 - 3 mm. Ovary 5 mm, monocarpellary, style short4 mm. Drupe ellipsoid, compressed, 2-ridged when dry, glabrous.
   Flowering Fruiting periodMarch –June / July- September
   UsesSource of gum, oil from the seeds is used to make soap. Roots and bark are the important sources of tannin. Black dye is extracted from the bark used as black ink.
   Medicinal UsesUsed to cure the dysentery. Leaves used for the fungal infection and skin disease
   Tamil NameInguti