
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell monitors the quality parameters and ensures that the standards of excellence reflected in the Vision and Mission of the College are sustained and strengthened. The IQAC has instituted a number of quality measures in the academic and administrative sectors. Software and databases are developed for Academic and Administrative Audit, the calculation of CIA Marks, the allotment of ED papers and the calculation of the staff welfare fund.

Key areas of Focus are Techno-centric Teaching-Learning, Effective Feedback Mechanism and Efficient Administrative Practices. Programmes and meetings that enable the different organs of the institution to deploy focused development plans and actions are conducted periodically. IQAC strategizes quality conscious efforts that fuels the process of self-evaluation and goal-oriented development in all the Departments, Deaneries and Centres of the institution.

Quality Policies of the IQAC

  • Benchmark Framework for Policies, Vision and Core Values: : Description of the Vision and Mission of every unit of the College in tune to the Institutional Goals, Ingraining Values, Ethics, Social Inclusivity and Equitable Measure in the Core Values in order to bring out Resonance in the Institutional Ethos are the primal priorities of the IQAC.
  • Efficient Documentation Practices and Analysis of Performance:Assessment is a Continuous Process and hence the documentation should also be continuous. The process of documentation, the time and source of its collection are important factors that determine the credibility of the Assessment of Performance.
  • Ensuring Continual Improvement of Quality Management Systems: Fueling the Management system of every unit of the College to evolve an automated, consistent and enhancement of Data Management that co-exists with the growth and development of the Departments, Deaneries and Centres.
  • Quality Initiatives need Quality Conscious People: Towards enhancing the competency of the faculty and empowering them to be leaders of the Academic and Administrative system, the Deanery provides opportunities to acquire new skills, innovate and adopt to Technological advancements that are recent and helps to transform the workspace. Promotion of Free Exchange of Ideas and opportunities for Experiential Learning by visiting Premier Institutions in India and Abroad and by upskilling Teachers, Administrative Staff and Support Staff to the changing Landscape of Academic ecosystem are the practices adopted.
  • A System in Place:A productive system to be set in all key areas of growth of the Institution. The systems and standards set are revisited, improved and are made effective year after year.
  • Embrace Change: Quality Sustenance mandates adaptation to change. The IQAC prepares and sets an environment in the institution that accepts change.
  • Outcome rather than Output: Departments, Deaneries and Centres are motivated and guided to focus on the outcome of the schemes and programmes they plan rather than merely conducting events and show output. Meaningful, impactful events and programmes that cater the needs of the target group and contribute to the overall growth of the Departments, Deaneries, Centres and Division are being executed.
  • Quality rather than Quantity: The IQAC promotes a culture of executing Quality Programmes and initiatives/measures that render overall development. Departments and various Divisions are encouraged to organize programmes that are part of their developmental plan and not to overburden themselves with too many events.
  • Collaboration and Networking: Promotion of a Shared Learning and Collaborative Spirit with Neighboring Institutions for gaining new knowledge, adaptation of latest technologies towards quality steps are part of the Institutional Best Practices.

Roles & Responsibilities

  • The IQAC plays a pivotal role in upgrading the competence and quality of each department in terms of teaching-learning process, resources, infra-structure, etc.
  • The IQAC has been instrumental in bringing about e-revolution in the college.
  • All the departments are equipped with e-resources like the LCD, Internet, Wi-Fi facilities etc.
  • A robust mechanism for collection and analysis of feedback in place.
  • The IQAC helps management take data driven, programmed decision, initiatives, actions, measures based on the analysis reports
  • Workshops, Seminars, Conferences and Symposia at the National and International levels are organized for the staff members to be sensitized on UGC, NAAC, AICTE, MHRD and other Statutory Regulatory Authorities’ mandates.
  • IQAC offers an effective mechanism for assessing institutional performance.
  • The College obtains regular feedback from all the stakeholders like the students, the parents and the alumni. The whole process is monitored and carried out by the IQAC, through an exhaustive Questionnaire prepared for the purpose. The data analyzed from the feedback is given back to the department for quality enhancement, presented in the IQAC/ Management, Committee/ Academic Committee Meetings, for further action.
  • Conducts Periodic Faculty Development Programmes and special workshops.
  • Institutionalizing Quality Assurance Strategies and Processes through IQAC.
  • Conducts Academic Audit annually for all the Departments
  • Collects and maintains the Annual Reports from all the Departments, Deaneries and Centres.
  • Organizes Faculty Induction Programmes for the Newly Recruited Faculty Members.
  • Periodically provides intensive Coaching on UGC-CSIR – NET / JRF for Staff members who are yet to qualify themselves, as per UGC Norms.
  • Providing periodical update and review of the reviewed data, IQAC sensitizes the staff members, students and the departments towards quality consciousness and academic excellence.
  • Offering adequate amenities for the staff members and students so as to pool resources and tap all the available information on every subject of current global relevance and importance.

Team Members

  • Dr. S. Angeline Vedha
    Associate Professor of Chemistry

    Internal Quality Assurance Cell


  • Dr. D. J. S. Anand Karunakaran
    Assistant Professor of Physics

    Associate Dean

  • Dr. B. Arunkumar
    Assistant Professor of Social Work

    Associate Dean
    Mail: ak@bhc.edu.in

  • Dr.Christy Ezhilarasi J
    Assistant Professor of Chemistry

    Documentation Coordinator

  • Dr. M. Evangeline Jebaseeli
    Assistant Professor of Mathematics

    Documentation Coordinator

  • Dr.N.Ananth
    Assistant Professor of Physics

    Data Manager

Contact Address

  • Internal Quality Assurance Cell
  • Bishop Heber College
  • Puthur
  • Tiruchirappalli-620017

  • Email:heberiqac@gmail.com/iqac@bhc.edu.in
  • Phone: 0431-2770136(Ext: 111)