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Department of Botany

Since 1980

Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merr.



   Botanical NameLannea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merr.
   SynonymsCalesiam grande .(Dennst.) Kuntze; Calsiama malabarica Rafin.
   Common NameEnglish : Indian Ash Tree / Tamil : Uthiayamaram, Karasu
   DistributionGlobal : South east Asia, India, Sri Lanka and China
Indian: Throughout India.
   DescriptionLarge deciduous tree up to 25m height, bark grey to dark brown colour, rough, irregular flakes in trunk, gummy exudate present. Young parts tomentose. Leaves imparipinnate compound, petiolate, alternate, clustered at tip, Pinna oblong, ovate to lanceolate, apex acuminate, margin entire, upper and lower surface with stellate hairs. Inflorescence compound raceme. Flowers small, tetramerous, incomplete, unisexual, yellowish green in colour, male flowers present in compound raceme, small, calyx 4 lobed, persistent, Corolla 4 petals, lanceolate, greenish yellow, reflexed, annular disc present with 8 lobes. Stamens 8, inserted below the disc, filament unequal, yellowish green, ovary absent or abortive. Female flower minute in simple raceme, tetramerous as like male flowers except stamens with short filament and sterile anther, Ovary tetracarpellary, superior, pendulous, style, 4, short, stigma peltate. Fruit small, drupe, ovoid, ripened fruit red colour, seed compressed.
   Flowering Fruiting periodJanuary - March / Aprile - June
   UsesTree planted in garden, used to make plywood, grown as hedges, tannin and resin for impregnation of fishing nets
   Medicinal UsesUsed in traditional medicines. Leaves and barks were used to treat hepatitis, diabetics, ulcer, heart diseases and dysentery.
   Tamil NameKarasu/Uthiayamaram

