Historical Background & Milestones

For many decades functioning as distinct self-financed Departments – French (1988), Hindi (1988) and Sanskrit (1991), came to be later known as the Department of Other Languages (OL) under a single canopy just intersecting on the facet of Languages from 2020. Recently, newer demands in the post-pandemic higher education paradigms gave justifiable reasons for rechristening the system of its functioning as Bishop Heber’s Centre for Indian and Foreign Languages (2022).

About the Centre

  • The Centre for Indian and Foreign Languages is an integral part of the institution and its curriculum focuses on offering French, Hindi and Sanskrit to first- and second-year undergraduate students as required Part-I courses over the course of two years, with the option for internal selection of any one preferred language by each student.
  • The curriculum is focused on language and linguistics, literature, culture, and the skills needed for practical applications in the market environment.
  • The curriculum is accepted by the Bharathidasan University after being ratified, endorsed, and passed in the Academic Council by the expert committee.
  • This Centre offers Value Added Courses/ Certificate Courses in French, Hindi and Sanskrit for the wider and willing language learners.
  • This Centre takes the initiative to organize conferences, invited talks, workshops and competitions for its students.

Course Objectives, Vision and Mission

These are distinctive with different languages offered by the Centre based on the unique characteristic features each Language possesses – its linguistic, anthropological, historical and cultural bearing it heavily draws upon and hence, they are stated under each specified language. The Centre fosters a sense of unity by its aesthetic appreciation for Language, Life, Art and Culture. The curriculum facilitates students reach diverse levels in language acquisition while placing a strong focus on critical and creative thinking. The program moulds students into responsible citizens.

Pedagogy/ Curricular/ Instructional Patterns:

  • Using ICT tools
  • Several software for administering exams, quizzes, movies, and animations
  • Teaching-learning activities that are centred on the needs of the students, such as group discussions, student seminars, quiz, declamatory speeches by the students, small extempore in the classes, turn courts, and many other creative activities.
  • Workshops, Seminars, Competitions, Value Added Courses, and Certificate Programs are all run by the Language Associations.
  • The Part-1 curriculum of Bishop Heber hones students’ skills to achieve fluency in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing
  • It enriches the students to shaping their personalities, nurturing a broader world view, and providing the best possible guidance in career options at national and international levels.


The Center has smart classrooms with all the necessary equipment for ICT-integrated education in every department. These classrooms are well-ventilated, roomy, e-ready, and furnished with cozy seating configurations, WIFI access, LCD projectors, computers, department-learning materials, etc.

Department of French

Langue Française – une fenêtre sur le monde des opportunités

The Department of French at the Centre for Indian and Foreign Languages is a dynamic department that focuses on teaching French to a diverse group of students from across the college's various academic disciplines and it also endorses French as one of the two primary languages of international relations and communication. It is the ninth most spoken language in the world and the second most taught foreign language in the world after English.

French is regarded as the "language to find a job," therefore knowing it can increase one's chances of finding employment abroad in a variety of fields (distribution, automobile, luxury, aeronautics, transport, agro-food, textile etc). The language of great thinkers (Descartes, Sartre, Foucault, or Derrida) and eminent scientists (Pierre and Marie Curie, Frédéric and Irème Joliot-Curie, Pasteur, Georges Charpak, etc.), French is known as the "language of culture and spirit". French is therefore a global reference language in all areas of culture. More than 80 million people visit France each year, making it a "language to travel" that makes it possible to study at renowned French Universities, as well as the best business schools and engineering colleges, which are among the top universities in Europe and the entire globe. Bishop Heber students studying French have benefited from and will continue to benefit from French government scholarships to further their academic careers in France and receive an internationally recognized degree in all areas acquire a degree or diploma that is recognized worldwide.

French is regarded as the "language to find a job," therefore knowing it can increase one's chances of finding employment abroad in a variety of fields (distribution, automobile, luxury, aeronautics, transport, agro-food, textile etc). The language of great thinkers (Descartes, Sartre, Foucault, or Derrida) and eminent scientists (Pierre and Marie Curie, Frédéric and Irème Joliot-Curie, Pasteur, Georges Charpak, etc.), French is known as the "language of culture and spirit". French is therefore a global reference language in all areas of culture. More than 80 million people visit France each year, making it a "language to travel" that makes it possible to study at renowned French Universities, as well as the best business schools and engineering colleges, which are among the top universities in Europe and the entire globe. Bishop Heber students studying French have benefited from and will continue to benefit from French government scholarships to further their academic careers in France and receive an internationally recognized degree in all areas acquire a degree or diploma that is recognized worldwide.

By delivering French, the department supports students' language learning, thought organization, and critical thinking. Under the auspices of the French Association, the department regularly puts on workshops, seminars, competitions, and certificate programs for students. The Bishop Heber curriculum includes French as Part I, which benefits the students in all facets of life by developing their personalities, fostering a global perspective, honing their skills to become fluent in all four skills—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—and, most importantly, by offering the best career guidance in the field of international organizations.


To make students aware of the benefits of speaking French in the workplace and in global corporations in various fields of endeavour. To avoid the exclusive spread of a single language systems approach in a globalised society, the department encourages linguistic and cultural awareness and greatly contributes to the evolution of the French language


  • To show pupils that learning French is a sophisticated and enjoyable experience.
  • To enable students to communicate in French with a wide range of nuance even after only a few courses.
  • To inspire students to widen their perspectives and explore new avenues in their personal and professional life.


Department of Hindi

हिंदी हमारा गौरव और पहचान है न है

Hindi is our pride and identity

The Department of Hindi, Centre for Indian and Foreign Languages, Bishop Heber College, Thiruchirappalli, India, focuses on teaching Hindi to an eclectic group of students from a variety of academic fields and presenting Hindi to the current generation of students as a significant national language that is extensively spoken by a large portion of the Indian population and how Hindi has assimilated into the lives of large people groups.

By promoting the rich Indian culture and tradition through language and literature and encouraging students to utilize it extensively in their daily lives, the Department of Hindi hopes to raise students' awareness of the importance of Hindi literacy. Students from a variety of linguistic backgrounds enroll in Hindi under Part I, where they study the language for four semesters as part of their undergraduate degree.

For the benefit of the students, the department offers competitions, special lectures, and Hindi certificate programs. The Hindi curriculum is created in a way that helps students achieve a variety of language proficiency levels while placing a strong focus on critical and creative thinking. The curriculum moulds students into responsible citizens, and the department develops their LSRW skills to equip them to find placements easily.

For the benefit of the students, the department offers competitions, special lectures, and Hindi certificate programs. The Hindi curriculum is created in a way that helps students achieve a variety of language proficiency levels while placing a strong focus on critical and creative thinking. The curriculum moulds students into responsible citizens, and the department develops their LSRW skills to equip them to find placements easily.


Promoting Hindi literacy and achieving high levels of language competency in Hindi.


  • To cultivate the capacity for critical and creative thought as well as effective language use for everyday communication.
  • To enhance students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities as well as their capacity to analyze, interpret, and assess all literary forms.


  • Dr.A.Prema,
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Hindi
  • Dr.M.Indra,
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Hindi
  • Dr.E.Anuradha,
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Hindi

Department of Sanskrit

"ज्ञानमेव परमं लक्ष्यम्"

The Department of Sanskrit, Centre for Indian and Foreign Languages, Bishop Heber College, Thiruchirappalli, India, focuses on teaching Sanskrit as an ancient classical language built on the edifice of the ethos and culture of India. Sanskrit being the language of the Vedhas and the great epics has been the language of the academia to an interested group of learners who strive to carry forward its classical legacy. Students from a variety of academic fields sign up to take the language as part of their Part I curriculum, which they study for four semesters as part of their Undergraduate programme

The Department of Sanskrit was established in 1991, and it educates students about the value of Sanskrit education and motivates them to utilize it as frequently as Hindi in daily life. According to Dr. C.V. Raman, a physicist who won the Nobel Prize, Sanskrit is the only language that could have been India's official tongue. Sanskrit "flows through our blood," he declared. The nation's cohesiveness can only be established via Sanskrit. Until the academic year 2003–2004, the parent university's syllabus was followed. When the institution acquired autonomy in, the BoS-created syllabus has been followed since 2004.

Extracurricular activities are conducted through the Sanskrit Association called “Sanatana Samskrita Samiti “सनातन-संस्कृत- समिति” which was commenced in the year 2017. The department regularly organizes seminars, special lectures, competitions, quizzes for the students. The students of Sanskrit take part in Innovative Research Convention run by the Deanery of Academics by presenting their creative ideas through posters. Students of Sanskrit are shaped through the curriculum to be decent citizens, and the department gives them LSRW training to prepare them for job placement.


The greatest gem and the finest heritage that India has is Sanskrit, which has played a significant role in India's past and present and will undoubtedly play a role in India's future. Hence, Bishop Heber's students are encouraged to spread knowledge of classical Sanskrit in order for them to better appreciate modern society's rich history and to ennoble their minds.


  • The department intends to promote and preserve traditional Sanskrit writings as a part of our cultural legacy and to teach the moral and ethical principles found in the Dharmasastra and Nitisastra texts through a few pieces of Sanskrit literature.
  • To develop its curriculum based on feedback from students and topic experts in order to give the material more current relevance.
  • To better grasp Sanskrit's grammatical structure, Sanskrit grammar will be taught using Ashtadhyayi.
  • To give pupils a solid foundation in subjects like poetry, literature, linguistics, philosophy, and shastras, among others.
  • To offer a venue for Sanskrit higher education.


  • Mrs.M.Siva Priya,
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Sanskrit
  • Mr.V.Muthukrishnan,
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Sanskrit
  • Mrs.S.Sumathi,
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Sanskrit

Organisational Structure / Team Members

Fissure in Sandstone
Dr. K. Shanthi

Centre Coordinator

Department Events

Centre Event Date Invitation Gallery & Videos

Contact Us

Dr. K. Shanthi,

Centre Coordinator, Asst Professor of English,

Bishop Heber College (Autonomous)

Tiruchirappalli – 620 017
