Department of Commerce

Since 1977

10 Programmes
75 Faculty
3306 Students
120 Publications


The Department of Commerce owes its existence to the former Department of Corporate Secretaryship, affiliated to the University of Madras since 1977. The department offered B.A. Degree programme in Corporate Secretaryship and in 1984 was converted into Department of Commerce affiliating with the Bharathdiasan University, Tiruchirapalli. Since then, the Department offers B. Com degree programme.

The programmes offered by the Department are very much sought after by a very large section of students of both genders, who desire in excelling in Accounting, Audit, Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, E-Commerce, Computational Accounting, and Information Technology used in Finance.

The Department of Commerce has a unique place in the college as it manifests camaraderie among all its members sans discrimination of any sort. It exhibits a vibrant atmosphere as all the members of the staff are dedicated, committed, accessible and responsive to the needs of the students. The students enrolled in the department experience the best of academic ambience of the Heber campus and the professional curricular exercise with a human touch. This holistic combination provides ample scope for the students to hone their extra academic skills and develop their personality.

The Department is proud of its students who have always shown excellence in curricular, cocurricular and extracurricular activities like NCC, NSS, Sports and other extension activities.

The students of the Department have been securing University ranks consistently in B.Com, B. Com CA, and M.Com. Many students go on to complete CA, CMA, CS and other professional courses.

The students also undertake a major socially responsible project during their stay in the Department and help those in need. This has helped them to be aware of the concerns of the society around them and inculcates in them the habit of giving and helping those in need. Recent projects include providing help to homes for HIV +ve children, destitute and orphans, and sponsoring a three-wheel scooter for an orthopedically challenged student of the college.

Our students have been placed through Campus placements in Reputed Corporates like McKinsey, TCS, CTS, DELL, Royal Bank of Scotland, GoldManSachs, I Nautix, Capgemini, Atos and Karvy.

The Department is proud of its distinguished alumni who occupy high positions in the corporate hierarchy both in India and abroad in institutions like the World Bank, Credit Suisse, etc., The alumni of the department are entrepreneurs owning Textile chains, Star Hotels, C&F Agencies etc. A strong network of our alumni contributes to the welfare of our students through their financial support and placement support which help the department explore new avenues.

The Department has the following innovative practices aimed at enhancing and sustaining overall quality of teaching and learning.

  • Bridge course in Accounting for UG students.
  • Extension Activities.
  • Fund Raising Programmes for Socially Responsible projects.
  • Short term Add on courses
  • Online Marketing of Innovative products.
  • Industrial visits.
  • Internship Training.
  • Regular Career Development Programmes


Excellence in commerce education, imparting knowledge, skills and values for professional development, employability and entrepreneurship.


  • Educating the contemporary global development in the areas of Commerce and Business through effective blend of curricular and co-curricular activities.
  • Imparting quality and need based education to facilitate students to explore knowledge in multi-faceted arenas.
  • Moulding for leadership positions in organisations at national and international levels.
  • Fostering an ethical atmosphere founded in human values in which life-force and skills will succeed to enrich the quality of life.

Programmes & Certificate Courses Offered


Diploma Programme

  • Diploma in Accounting (Tally ERP 9 with GST)
  • Diploma in Digital Marketing -

Best Practices of the Department

  1. Research Forum

  • A Research Forum has been established for the benefit of the faculty and the Research scholars in the Department in order to enhance the activities related to Research.

  • The Forum meets every fortnight to discuss and share the developments in the research field.

  1. Staff Recharging strategies

  • The staff of our Department is made to involve in various activities like Zumba dance cum exercise, visit to Gym of our college, Yoga and meditation and the like in order to relieve them from the pressures of life.

  • The Department also organizes Workshops and Seminars for the faulty in hill stations like Ooty and Kodaikannal in order to give them a change of environment and recharge them physically and mentally.

  1. Intra departmental Club activities

  • The Department is a haven for heterogeneous students who come from diverse backgrounds and with diverse skills and abilities. In order to tap their talents, various clubs like Gardening club, Culinary Club, Macreme (Arts and Crafts) Club, Oratoria (Oratory) Clava, Quiz Club, Music Club, Photography Club, Event Management Club, Journalism Club, hand Holding Club etc have been formed for the benefit of the students.

  • Each Club conducts exclusive activities pertaining to their domain and the students are motivated to further proceed into inter collegiate competitions.

  1. Social Project

  • Every year, the second year students of our Department are encouraged to undertake a Social Project thought which they address to the needs of the society. They raise self generated funds by organizing stalls to sell self-made merchandise or apply mehandi and the like.

  • So far our students have visited Sonshine Home, Trichy, Gregory Trust, Siruganur, Shanthi Nilayam, Karur, Anbalayam Trichy, Kangaroo Illam, Trichy and many such places in order to cater to the needs of the deserving people.

  1. Discipline Committee

  • Our Department has a Discipline committee constituted for and by the students. The students stand in the entrance of the Golden Jubilee Block and identify the regular late comers to class and take disciplinary action. Due to the vigilance of the Discipline Committee, the department witnessed a drastic reduction in the late comers.

  1. Intra Collegiate for PG students

  • The Department conducts an Intra collegiate exclusively for PG students, “HERMA”, which is unique of its kind. Colleges from in and around Trichy participate in this event.

  1. Educational fund by Alumni

  • The Alumni of our Department have created a corpus fund to help meeting the educational needs of our students. This fund is generously contributed by the Alumni and last year around 32 students received Rs.5,000 each.


  • Dr.Fennala Agnes Iylin. D ,
  • Head & Associate Professor
  • Department of Commerce,
  • Phone: (0431)2770136